Monday, September 17, 2007

Comparison between Pygmalion-Shaw & Pygmalion-Ovid's Metamorphoses

It has been a while since I posted my last blog. I have pages of blogs that I have written in my journal and are just waiting to be posted. It’s been a very bussyyy week. At last, I manage to squeeze some time to post a blog today. I’m going to write my blog based on what we have been assigned to write about. So, don’t be surprised if you found the topic of my blog is so-4,5 weeks ago. They’re a little bit outdated,so what? The important thing is the intention of still wanting to write about it, right? (it’s a rhetorical question, by the way). I’d better get started before I rambling more nonsense things.
After we have finished discussing Pygmalion, Dr. Edwin told us to compare this play with the story of Pygmalion from the Greek Mythology. I found that in terms of similarities, both Pygmalion and Prof. Higgins have the same view of women and as a result they vowed not to be married. Both of them are confirmed bachelor. Pygmalion does not want to be married because he despised so many qualities in women that he could not bear the idea of marriage and as for Prof. Higgins, he thinks that ‘women upset everything’. He said “When you le them into your life, you find that woman is driving at one thing and you driving at another”. The second similarity is that both of them are involved with ‘creating something’. Prof. Higgins transforms a cockney speaking flower girl from the gutter to become a well-spoken and poised duchess of the high society. As for Pygmalion, his creation comes in the form of a sculptor of a woman that he sculpted from an ivory and which he called Galatea (means sleeping love). The difference between these two versions of story can be seen in the way both man treats their ‘creations’. Pygmalion admired his work and fell in love with it. He treats the sculpture as if it is a real woman by clothing her, buying her presents, bringing her birds and buying her flowers of all colours. He even prays to Aprodhite to give him a wife that looks like Galatea which he will later found out was granted to him. This is in contrast with Prof. Higgins treatment to his creation, Eliza. He likes to bully her and made heartless insults to her. He also likes to make fun of her never treats her with respect. Another difference that I notice in both stories is that, in the end Pygmalion get married to Galatea and lived happily ever after while Prof. Higgins remained as a bachelor but he started to admire her new character, an independent and defiance woman.


فوفو said...

thank you very much that was so useful to help to collect information about my home work ^_^

RukhxX said...

Now I got it! :D This is something I was searching for.. thanks a lot! Such a helpful material it was.

RukhxX said...

Now I got it! :D This is something I was searching for.. thanks a lot! Such a helpful material it was.

Unknown said...

thaks a lot for solving my problem

Roselin sofiya said...

Sprb crystal clear answer.thx

Unknown said...
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Amisha Arora said...

it clears my doubt. thanks a lot.